Meliora Islands Database

Every object in the game has information which can be added, modified and removed from the database window.

Meliora Islands Database Window

Our database was used to store different kinds of information ranging from items to character customization options and from skills to crafting recipes. Luckily, the database was not limited to these data entries as it also contained information about objects in the world. This way, the information could be edited from a single location whilst a designer changed the world. Prefabs and prefab variants (like different tree models) did not have to store information in the prefab, since the information part was stored in the database.

The code relied on ScriptableObjects and inheritance at its core. Together with the central database window, entries became invaluable.


In one of the first iterations of the database, an 'advanced' tab was made for easy bulk value assignment. In reality, this tab was never really used thus it was removed.

It did have some noteworthy features however!

Meliora Islands Database Window

The tab could do checks on every variable by using reflection. In the image above, we want to only show items with a 'Stack Size' equal to 1.

This also means certain 'errors' can easily be found since finding all items without a model only requires the right reflection check.

Meliora Islands Database Window