Game Jams

Space is Dicey

For the Game Maker's Toolkit 2022 game jam, I created Space is Dicey. Use your dice to defeat enemies in this turn-based space battle. Simply drag a dice input to a card and see what the result will be. Play the game here.

Space is Dicey Space is Dicey

Clean Seas Simulator

For an October 2021 game jam called Sea Jam, I created a small game about cleaning the ocean. Since I wanted to capture the scale of the amount of waste in the ocean, I experimented with how trash was rendered in water. The approach is very different from how I would do it now. TKIMUSE saw some progress on Twitter and wrote some jazzy music for it. Layers in music would be turned on based on how much trash you've gathered from the sea. Download the game here.

Unstable Laser

This was my Ludum Dare 49 (October 2021) submission. I participated on my own and tried to make a game for the theme 'Unstable'. Hence the name 'Unstable Laser'. The main game loop is like a bullet hell but your laser becomes unstable every now and again. The only way to fix it, is to realign elements within the laser. Play the game here.

Unstable Laser Unstable Laser

Mine the Beat

Before Ludum Dare 48 (April 2021) started, we (GamesBySaul and TKIMUSE) knew we wanted to participate. When the jam started, we discussed what kind of game we wanted to make and how we could use the theme 'deeper and deeper'. I really wanted to utilize the power of a composer and make the game about music, thus the game became a rhythm game.
During this project, I took on the role of programmer and project manager. When files were ready, I implemented them into the game. My entire process can be seen in this post mortem video. The video below shows some decisions we made and steps we took. Play the game here.

Space Cards

For the Mix and Game Jam 2020, I was participating on my own. It was a bullet hell and card game. Download the game here.

The Cube

I used Ludum Dare 46 (April 2020) as a weekend to experiment with Unity's High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). This was very new at the time and I had never used any Scriptable Render Pipelines (SRP) before. So, I would not really focus on the gameplay for my game but I would focus on the looks. If you play the game, you will notice the lack of fun mechanics. Download the game here.


In 2020, I participated in the Global Game at the Jam site Groningen with a small group of friends.
Stichcraft is a very unique game, since it is played on 2 screens which are setup with a 90 degree angle. In order to look at a screen, the players need to walk around the corner to see where their character is. Since it supports up to 4 players, the goal of finding levers and an exit will become very chaotic and fun. Download the game here.
At this jam site, we won the 'Out There' award and were 2nd Overall Best.

Screenshot of Stitchcraft Screenshot of Stitchcraft


In 2018, I participated in the Global Game at the Jam site Groningen with a small group of friends. Download the game here.
At this jam site, we have won Best Art and a the Overall Best price. The jury and audience both felt our game was the most polished.

Of Dunes And Grease

For the Game Maker's Toolkit game jam of 2017, a friend and I made this game in 48 hours. The theme was dual purpose. In this game, the player has 4 oil reservoirs and each represents an ability. Red is the amount of damage dealt to enemies. Blue is the speed of the player. Yellow is the jump height. Green is armor. More oil equals a stronger effect of the ability. When all reservoirs are empty, the player dies. Download the game here.


In 2017, I participated in the Global Game at the Jam site Groningen with a small group of friends. Download the game here.
At this jam site, we have won the price for 2nd Overall Best. A very nice result for our very first game jam.

Screenshot of Overfloat Screenshot of Overfloat